懇親会「JCBA Meetup Summer 2024」8月30日開催のお知らせ(WebXサイドイベント)
Announcement: JCBA Meetup Summer 2024 on August 30 (WebX Side Event)

この度当会では、Web3.0 関連事業への参入に関心を持つ企業様および当会会員企業を主な対象とした懇親会を下記の要領で開催する運びとなりました。
Japan Cryptoasset Business Association (JCBA) is pleased to announce a networking event primarily for companies interested in Web 3.0-related businesses and JCBA member companies.
This event aims to provide an opportunity for industry participants to communicate, network, and build momentum for addressing industry challenges. We cordially invite you to join us for this occasion.
Please note that this event will be held as a side event of WebX (https://webx-asia.com/en/).
イベント概要 (Event Details)
イベント名 Event Name |
JCBA Meetup Summer 2024 |
開催日時 Date and Time |
2024年8月30日(金) 18:00-20:00(17:30より開場、受付開始) Friday, August 30, 2024 18:00-20:00 |
場所 Location |
Near Tokyo Station (Details will be provided upon registration confirmation) |
主催 Organizer |
Japan Cryptoasset Business Association |
対象 Eligible Attendee |
会員企業様、会員資格に限らずクリプト、Web3.0事業関係企業様 および当分野にご関心がある企業様 Member companies,businesses involved in crypto and Web3.0 (regardless of membership status), |
形式 Format |
Standing buffet party (Food, drinks, and alcohol will be provided) |
参加費 Participation Fee |
5,000円/1名 ※ お支払いは当日会場で現金にてお願いします。領収書は現地にてお渡しいたします。 JPY 5,000 per person |
申込方法 Registration |
Please apply in advance using the application form at the URL below |
申込締切 Application Deadline |
8月29日(木) 正午まで
Thursday, August 29, 12:00 PM (noon) |
注意事項 Important Notes |
・会場のキャパシティを超える参加者が見込まれた場合には、 人数制限のご連絡をさせていただくことがございます。 ・フォームに一度に記載しきれない場合は、複数回お申し付けください。 ・If the number of participants is expected to exceed venue capacity,we may need to limit attendance and will notify you accordingly. |
WebXとは (About WebX)
WebX2024 is produced by CoinPost, Japan’s largest Web3 media.
The event will take place on August 28th and 29th, 2024 at The Prince Park Tower in Tokyo.
WebX2024 is Asia’s largest global conference gathering professionals related to crypto assets, blockchain, and other Web3 technologies, offering visitors a direct interaction with companies, experts, entrepreneurs, investors, government officials, and media from Japan and abroad.