The future of virtual currency that our company thinks (through overseas strategy)

Curriculum and overview
- Date and time:Wednesday, October 24, 2018 16:50 – 19:10
- Place:Fukurasia Marunouchi Oazo Hall A (16th Floor)
- Part 1 「Latest Cyber Threats to Cryptocurrency companies:CYFIRMA Perspective」
- Part 2 (panel discussion)「The future of virtual currency that our company thinks (through overseas strategy)」
※ For the first part minutes, we do not disclose it for the sake of the speaker’s convenience.
The future of virtual currency that our company thinks (through overseas strategy)
Today ‘s future is the future of the virtual currency considered by us, so there are many companies that capture the overseas strategy, so I think that we want to hear your opinion with such a place as one point of excellence We will.
There is overseas expansion as one big topic, but I think that there are many hot topics now that the virtual currency is the future. Therefore, I would like to ask the story of not only overseas deployment but also current technology situation, or current hot domestic and overseas regulatory talks, market acceptance and so on. And finally, each company wants to proceed with the trend that the virtual currency will develop in the future and what kind of things each company will approach will be summarized on that basis think.
First of all, from the technology point of view, I believe technology is still essential because of the future of the virtual currency. In the first part, there was a story that hackers are aiming at the Japanese virtual currency trading market. There have been two spill accidents from the virtual currency exchange since this year. Most of the virtual currency exchanges now are exchanges that are said to be centralized CEX type. On the other hand, when these spill accidents happen, there is a debate that risks are high if you keep customers’ assets. Therefore, the opinion that decentralized exchange which is said to be DEX type is better is coming out actively now.
I think that this way of thinking is different in domestic and overseas, but considering that such a leakage accident in recent years, whether the business of exchanges is CEX type is good or DEX type is good I think that there are various companies. First of all, I would like to cut around, but how about from Oda, Bit Point Japan?
(Mr. Oda)
Certainly DEX type is being said variously now, but from the viewpoint of our company, we think that there is risk of hacking if you do DEX type. Personally, we think that virtual currency exchange trading companies firmly and boldly construct a structure and should manage firmly with virtual currency exchange traders and responsibilities.
I see. Then, how about Konno of QUOINE Co., Ltd.?
(Mr. Konno)
I think that the centralized exchange is more suitable for finance. In the case of the DEX type, the problem of transaction speed will inevitably come out. As I will deal with PtoP, I think that the speed of the matching engine, which is also the transaction speed there, is a problem. People who are long in the world such as stocks and bonds in traditional finance, I think that it is quite severe if it is a DEX type.
Also, I am convinced that virtual currency is an innovative technology to create the future of finance, but when that is the case, it will be a hedge fund in the existing stocks and bonds world, a large corporate institution When the investors come in, they are still custody, they will not come without schemes that can properly trust their assets properly somewhere. If they do not come in, liquidity will not come out, so it is difficult to sublime the virtual currency into the financial business, so the need for a centralized exchange is not going to grow in the future I am thinking …

Even though it is a virtual currency now, I think that the idea that it is all one color pale and a miscellaneous income is rough. Again, in the world there are classifications based on such functionalities and regulations tailored to each function, and there is the impression that the entrance of the business place where entries can enter more and more is expanding. Japan will also start from the start of the regulation once and start here from here, but in the business scene it is said that it is not like this kind of currency virtual currency, but according to each function I think that everyone who comes here somehow is the same idea. Mr. Saito, who is closest to the golden merchant, how about thinking around there?
(Mr. Saito)
Naturally, it is a field of specialty, such as securities or legal currency exchange, but it is difficult to judge to what extent it is a point to cut. For example, if worthwhile is on the block chain network, something called virtual currency is the value on the block chain. We call it a virtual currency now. Then, if contractual relations occur somewhere there, for example, economic consideration and services occur, perhaps, I think that it can be said that it may be a securities saying. However, if it is genuinely worth content as content, it may be, so what we are discussing is to think very carefully about the root part If not, I think that the suitability itself as to whether it is really a virtual currency is also doubtful.
It is said that you are watching the future of the virtual currency as finance. Thank you very much. Then, Kamiya san of LINE, how about you?
(Mr. Kamiya)
As we mentioned earlier, as we mentioned earlier, because it is a company focused on technology, we are going to paradise shift to block chains rather than virtual currency in the future We are promoting it. With regard to the part about what we want to do ultimately with block chain technology, what we would like to do as a matter of fact, the Internet protocol originally made it possible to communicate information, but this block I think that a chain is a protocol that has succeeded in communicating value or a protocol that can be experienced. What is worth it, for example, how to link value further to the protocol on the internet now, and that we could act on users in various ways for services like LINE I always want to think about it.
As one of the items we have already announced, we will be able to replace it by itself as a way of returning rewards somewhat to points utilized by customers or by something, etc. I want to realize that it is such a service, such as a service or a service group that can grow while interacting with users and services within it I think that way.
(The whole data is released to more than the associate member)

- 日時:2018年10月24日(水) 16時50分~19時10分
- 場所:フクラシア丸の内オアゾ Hall A(16階)
- 第一部 「Latest Cyber Threats to Cryptocurrency companies:CYFIRMA Perspective(ハッカーの視点でみる仮想通貨関連企業に関する最新のサイバー脅威状況)」
Antuit株式会社 Kumar Ritesh - 第二部 (パネルディスカッション)「我が社が考える仮想通貨の未来(海外戦略を通して)」
SBIバーチャル・カレンシー株式会社 齋藤 亮氏
株式会社ビットポイントジャパン 小田 玄紀氏
QUOINE株式会社 紺野 勝弥氏
LVC株式会社 神谷 健氏
モデレーター:ビットバンク株式会社 廣末 紀之氏
SBIバーチャル・カレンシー株式会社 齋藤 亮氏
株式会社ビットポイントジャパン 小田 玄紀氏
QUOINE株式会社 紺野 勝弥氏
LVC株式会社 神谷 健氏
モデレーター:ビットバンク株式会社 廣末 紀之氏
まず、技術というところから、仮想通貨の未来ということで、やはり技術が欠かせないと思います。第一部で、ハッカーが日本の仮想通貨取引市場を狙っているという話がありました。今年に入ってから2件も仮想通貨取引所の流出事故が発生しています。今大半の仮想通貨取引所は、中央集権型の CEX 型と言われる取引所になります。一方で、こういった流出事故が起こった場合、顧客の資産を預かるのはリスクが高いのではないかという議論が出てきております。そこで今、DEX 型と言われる分散型の取引所の方が良いのではないか、という意見が盛んに出てきております。
これは、国内、国外で、いろいろ考え方が違うと思いますが、昨今のそういった流出事故っていうことを踏まえた上で、果たして取引所のビジネスが、CEX 型がいいのか、DEX 型がいいのかというのは、各社いろいろあると思います。まずはその辺りを切り込んでいきたいと思いますが、ビットポイントジャパンの小田さんからいかがでしょうか。
確かに今DEX型がいろいろいわれておりますが、わが社の考え方からすると、DEX 型をやってしまう方がハッキングのリスクがあるのではないかと考えております。われわれ仮想通貨交換業者がしっかりと果敢に体制構築していって、しっかりと仮想通貨交換業者の管理、責任で運営するのがよいと個人的には考えています。
なるほど。それでは次に、QUOINE 株式会社の紺野さんはいかがでしょうか。
私も、centralizedなエクスチェンジのほうが金融に合ってると思います。というのは、DEX型の場合、トランザクションスピードの問題がどうしても出てきてしまいます。PtoPで取引をしていくことになるので、やはりそこのトランザクションスピードというマッチングエンジンなどのスピードが問題だと思います。従来の金融に株とか債券だとかの世界に長くいるような方々だと、DEX 型だとなかなか厳しいと思います。

今仮想通貨といっても、全部一色淡、まるっと雑所得だというような考え方は乱暴だと思っています。やはり世界ではそういう機能性による分類と、それぞれの機能に合わせた規制っていうのがあって、どんどんエントリーできる事業所の間口も広がってるという印象があります。日本も一旦は規制のスタート台に立って、ここからスタートしていくんですけども、事業者場面では、そういうようなまるっと仮想通貨ではなくて、それぞれの機能に応じて分類してほしいというのは、何となくここにいらっしゃ る皆さん同じ考えではないかと思っております。金商業者に一番近い齋藤さん、その辺のお考えいかがでしょうか。